"A novel & number that will change your life!"
I often quote myself for it gives more extra powers and long lasting effect lol :)) seriously this will challenge your very existence, you'll be faced with dilemmas and ask yourself questions as you dig deeper and get sucked into this wonderful journey ^_^
Without further ado let's all Welcome the very awesome
Marie A. Harbon
Kim: Welcome! Thank you so much for being with us today please sit back and relax ^_^ I read your brilliant novel and I'm still completely blown away with it :O could you please tell us more about yourself and your book(any random fact)
Marie: I’m a UK based writer in the science fiction/urban fantasy/paranormal genre, part-time teacher and fabric geek. My book is the first in a five part journey about life, the universe and everything! It’s a very ambitious project! One blogger summed it up as, a ‘sci-fi soap opera… that may remind you at various times of Sliders, Avatar, Flatliners, X-Men and Star Trek… all wrapped up in a research saga’!
Kim: Indeed I can see and imagine quite a resemblance but you pulled it off very uniquely I love it! so what inspired you and how did you come up with this idea for your book series?
Marie: It actually started out as a short story I wrote early in the 90s, and it featured travelling to different realities using the machine in the book. I’d always had it in mind to develop it further and I was writing another fantasy, but I decided to run with this idea as I thought it would have a more commercial appeal. The inspiration has been drawn from numerous research and subjects that interest me, although the title and over-arching link came to me last summer. Then it all clicked into place.
Kim: Oh wow! that's simply amazing I like how you narrate the story,how it all unfolds and makes sense all throughout how many series are there? And when will the next book coming out?
Marie:There are five books planned and a huge amount of plot to pack in. The second book is planned for next Spring/early summer and the overall tone will be darker, with a more intense pace. We’ll get to see more of Ava and Sam and the two main threads will draw together. Furthermore, we get to see who drives Max, the books’ darkest character.
Kim:Goody! I can't wait to read the next installment I totally dig their tandem XD
Marie: I’m a UK based writer in the science fiction/urban fantasy/paranormal genre, part-time teacher and fabric geek. My book is the first in a five part journey about life, the universe and everything! It’s a very ambitious project! One blogger summed it up as, a ‘sci-fi soap opera… that may remind you at various times of Sliders, Avatar, Flatliners, X-Men and Star Trek… all wrapped up in a research saga’!
Kim: Indeed I can see and imagine quite a resemblance but you pulled it off very uniquely I love it! so what inspired you and how did you come up with this idea for your book series?
Marie: It actually started out as a short story I wrote early in the 90s, and it featured travelling to different realities using the machine in the book. I’d always had it in mind to develop it further and I was writing another fantasy, but I decided to run with this idea as I thought it would have a more commercial appeal. The inspiration has been drawn from numerous research and subjects that interest me, although the title and over-arching link came to me last summer. Then it all clicked into place.
Kim: Oh wow! that's simply amazing I like how you narrate the story,how it all unfolds and makes sense all throughout how many series are there? And when will the next book coming out?
Marie:There are five books planned and a huge amount of plot to pack in. The second book is planned for next Spring/early summer and the overall tone will be darker, with a more intense pace. We’ll get to see more of Ava and Sam and the two main threads will draw together. Furthermore, we get to see who drives Max, the books’ darkest character.
Kim:Goody! I can't wait to read the next installment I totally dig their tandem XD
Marie: The First Chronicle commenced in 2007 but I was working full time so progress was made in bursts. Much of the science was researched as I went, whereas the historical and cultural backdrop was layered in subsequent drafts. The book was completed at the end of 2010. Originally, there were seven parts to the first book but I realised it was going to be too long, so it was split into two books.
Kim: If your book would be made into a TV series/movie who would you cast and why? (list, links, pictures of actors/actresses).
Marie: There are already plans for this as I have some contacts who produce movies and the like. The woman on the cover is a New Mexico actress called Monique Candelaria.(picture on the left) http://www.imdb.com/name/nm3156214/ I always see Ava as looking somewhat like Jessica Alba but I can’t pinpoint the others. Although if I saw a picture, I’d instantly know.
Kim: your cover is really beautiful! it's neat,simple and totally related to your story it gives a very good sci-fi intriguing psychic exciting vibe into it ^_^ your novel talks about science,life,adventure and all sorts my questions is do you have any out of this world experience you’d like to share?
Marie: I do sometimes have some quiet surreal experiences. I get a lot of visual imagery, strange looking entities and I see pages of script quite a bit when I’m relaxed and my mind is receptive. I once woke up and saw a faerie above my bed; she was outlined in electric blue and looked very beautiful.
Kim: that's really cool! truly a nice experience and totally out of this world! so if you have any superpowers what would it be and why?
Marie: There are so many cool superpowers, it’s difficult to say… maybe the ability to see the future would be the most useful. I’d like to have Tahra’s abilities though!
Kim: yup that might come in handy and her abilities are so great I totally agree with you what’s your favorite subject in school/in general? Did it make any impact to you in any way?
Marie: English was my strongest subject, but it was rather boring to sit through. I enjoyed biology (although not dissections!) and art.
Kim: I enjoyed those subjects as well it's really great! so what’s next for Marie Harbon? Do you have any plans venturing on other book genre/categories?
Marie:I need to head out to America to meet the guys who are interesting in turning my book to a movie or TV series, plus draft up the screenplay. I have a short story collection to work on and I’d like to write some scripts to develop into short movies for Youtube. I’d probably stick to science fiction, fantasy and the paranormal mainly but may stray into road movie/personal journey type fiction.
Kim: What’s the most challenging part in writing this series?
Marie: Maintaining continuity and keeping all the different threads, or sub-plots fresh. There’s so much to pack in regards plot, the character’s personal journeys and their relationships. I have to keep a handle on it all so it all hangs; I don’t want to do a ‘Lost’!
Kim: What’s your guilty pleasure?
Marie: Kinda prone to those trashy TV programmes where women don’t know who the father of their baby is and everyone shouts at each other. It’s strangely addictive. But I don’t generally have much time for TV.
Kim: lol yeah it's a bit crazy and whacked I totally understand you ^_^ Do you have any major influences in writing (any favorite books and authors in mind? Or special someone).
Marie: I would have to say many of the sci fi programmes and films, such as Star Wars, Star Trek and Stargate I guess. I’m very visual in the way I tell my stories.
Kim: Do you have any writing quirks/routine?
Marie: Not particularly, I might sometimes play certain songs or albums as a soundtrack, as they can help me visualise certain scenes. I tend to layer with my drafts; laying down the basic story and then I embellish it with facts, improve the dialogue and interactions, and enrich the setting.
Kim: Any advice to aspiring writers?
Marie: Have a great idea and craft your work with passion, courage and imagination. Get people you don’t know well to read it, as they can give you an unbiased opinion. Be prepared to work really hard promoting it.
Kim: Message to your fans (Encourage, Promote, tell them where they could buy your book, reach you, list of social networks)
Marie: If you’re looking for a new sweeping sci fi/fantasy/paranormal epic to sink your teeth into it, drop by my website where you can read a sample chapter and see other reviews I’ve collected so far.
The book is available from Amazon and B&N as a paperback and from Amazon and Smashwords as an ebook.
I’d be delighted if you followed me on twitter @marieharbon, or dropped by on Facebook.
Kim: Thank you so much Marie! I'm really glad and truly honored to have you here ^_^ there you have it now that you've read,met,and know how amazingly brilliant this novel and author is show your support grab a copy and follow her lead ^_~ but wait there's more! yes! of course since you all stay tuned to this very interview Marie will give away an ebook copy of her awesome book! so what are you waiting for?! read more for instructions & fill up the rafflecopter form don't forget to leave your email address so we can contact you if you win ^_^ Good luck and may the odds be in your favor ^_~